Berlin Day 7

Our last day in Berlin was fairly uneventful. We decided that it was best to have a lowkey day before we flew home and in retrospect, that was a great plan...

We started out the day at the East Wall Gallery, a section of the wall that has been left up and been covered in murals.

Unfortunately, it was wet, windy and cold, so we did not spend much time wandering around. Seriously, the wind was bad. Apparently I should have packed more clothes...

Our hotel was right next to a Thai Massage place and we'd walked by it all week. Since it was cold, we decided to take advantage of it...

Our next stop was the Kaiser Wilhelm Church, the church that was destroyed in WWII and then rebuilt in a modern fashion. It was fascinating to walk through. They'd talked about tearing it down entirely, but I'm glad that they left it up as a memorial to everything that happened.

The modern rebuilt part looks nothing like an old church:

From there we got dinner and wandered a bit, before heading back to pack. Then we flew home, which is an entire post on itself...



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