Berlin Day 5

We needed a lazy day this morning, so that's what we did. By the time that found breakfast at a tiny French cafe it was nearly 11:30. Oops...

We decided to stick our heads in the Marionkirche. It was a lovely little church and we discovered that they were having a free organ concert at 1:30. Sweet! I'd been wanting to go to some sort of music concert in one of the churches, it just hadn't worked out yet, so here was our shot!

Unfortunately, this wasn't so much of a music concert as an explanation of how the organ worked. In German. We heard one song and after waiting for at least 10 minutes for her to start playing, she was still explaining things, so we ducked out.

Our next stop was the Berlin Dome. It was amazing! Pictures can't do it justice. After wandering a bit, I climbed the stairs to get to the top of the Dome and got an amazing view of the city.

From there, we spent some time wandering through the Tiergarten, a huge garden in the middle of the city.

The second semester of my senior year of college, I studied abroad in Spain. Since I was already over here, I spent a month wandering Europe after the program ended. I was on a crazy tight budget, so I was living on 40 euros a day. I literally kept track of every single euro that I spent and would walk for hours rather than taking a metro trip because I couldn't afford the two euros. (I came back with $167 to my name, so all that budgeting was worth it!) Anyway, I came to Berlin and I remember that I stayed over by the zoo and it wasn't exactly the nicest part of town, but it was cheap and that was the most important thing. Anyway, I remember that there was this bizarre church that was half destroyed by WWII bombs and half rebuilt in a crazy modern fashion, but all I could remember was that it was sort of around where I stayed last time, which wasn't particularly helpful.

Fast forward to this trip and I wanted to show Pat this church, but I'd pretty much given on finding a church that I didn't know where it was or what it was called and the only descriptive factor I can think of is "weird". 

After wandering the garden for a while, we decided to go check out a spot that a friend had suggested over by the zoo. We got off the u-bahn and walked straight into the church that I had been looking for.

Also, apparently in the last 13 years, this area has gone through massive transition. It's now trendy and hip. Who knew???


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