A Basketball Lesson

Last night, Gabe got his first basketball lesson. Great Gram came over for dinner and she is quite the basketball fan, so I'm pretty sure she was the best person to give Gabe his first lesson.

When Gabe asked to play basketball, I asked him what the one rule was. He said "Stay on the porch." Then I realized that Great Gram was following him, and really the porch rule only really matters when he's by himself, so I told him he could get off the porch if Great Gram told him it was okay. He instantly said "Great Gram, I get off porch?"

If you look closely, you can see that he's wearing inside out shorts over top of his pants. He put them on all by himself!

After dinner, it was just about bedtime, but Gabe asked if he could go play basketball again. I told him he could play for 5 minutes. He looked at Great Gram and asked her if she was coming. She couldn't say no to that!

Also, I didn't have the heart to tell him to come in for bed, so he ended up in bed a little late. Luckily Great Gram was up for some snuggles and songs to end the evening.

I think it was worth the late bedtime...


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