The Fireworks

I know that I'm a little behind on this blog, but we've been having way too much fun in the sun to sit down and write. But I'll try and get caught up...

We went to Aunt Jan's house for the fireworks on Tuesday. Mark and Julia were there with their two girls and my cousin Davey was there with his daughter, so Bella disappeared with the other three girls and we hardly saw her... Gabe and Bryson had a wonderful time going back and for between playing with all of the little construction vehicles in Aunt Jan's house, the sandbox on the porch, the firepit with all the dads, and the grassy area with the girls. It was little boy paradise.

We finally put Gabe to bed at 10 and woke him up again 11:55 to watch the fireworks. He watched them when he was six months old, but other than that, this was his first time watching them and he loved it. He spent the whole show saying "I like it! I like it!" Well, that and checking to make sure Bryson was still awake...

Then we made the mad dash home to try and beat the traffic, which is always fun...


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