The Parade

Even though no one was in bed until nearly 1am, we had to get up bright and early Wednesday morning to make it to the parade.  Bella was in the parade this year for the first time, which meant that we had to drop her off at 9:30 and the parade didn't actually start until 11.  The good news, is that Pat and Gabe went to go get me coffee and I was able to stake out a good seat.  When you have to save seats for as many people as I did, you need a lot of space...

The nice thing about just hanging out and waiting for the parade to start is that you run into all sorts of people that you know.  I talked to one friend from high school that I haven't talked to in many years and it turns out that her son and Bella were in the same homeroom.  Bella never mentioned him, but realistically, she had to reason to know that I knew his parents either...

The first time that Gabe was at the parade, he was in a carrier on my chest and slept through most of it.  Last year, he was sitting in the stroller watching what was going on, but that was it.  This year was a different story.  He thought it was wonderful!  I think his favorite part, though was getting the candy.  It took a few floats, but once he figured out he was on it!

Also, it turns out that if you sit at a parade with two cute toddlers, everyone gives you candy. I'm pretty sure this is the most I've ever collected.

We got to wave to Bella on her way through.

And then we all went home to take a nap...


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