St. Augustine Day 1

We’ve been asking a lot of Gabe on this trip. Naps have been short and sometimes nonexistent. Bedtime has been crazy late (we couldn’t even get in the dining room until 8:15...). We haven’t had a whole lot of snacks and his bottle before bed has basically disappeared because we haven’t had milk. It’s a lot for a little guy. But he’s done so well.

That said, we may have found our limit.

When you don’t have dinner until 8:15, bedtime ends up being between 10 and 10:30. As long as you can sleep in, this can be done. But when you have to be ready to be off the ship by 7:15am, this gets complicated. We picked sleep over breakfast and woke both kids up at 7 so we could throw our pjs in the suitcase and be ready to go when they called our deck. 

They didn’t call our deck until 8:30, so we had time to kill while we waited. Gabe found half a bag of bunny crackers in his backpack, so he had a little snack. When they called our deck, we joined the masses of people trying to get off the ship and deal with luggage and customs. When we finished that, we needed our rental car, so we caught s taxi who took us to the airport. After trying to get a car there, we discovered that we were at the wrong company and our reservation was elsewhere. We had to take a bus to get to that company and then wait again. Once we got in our car we were all hungry and it was 10:30, so we drove to the nearest Ihop.  Up until this point, Gabe was doing great. Then we got into the booth at Ihop and he was done. It wasn’t pretty. I finally took him outside while he was sobbing so all the people around us could eat in peace.

Then the food showed up and life was instantly better.

We got in the car and drove up to St Augustine. The plan was to stay here for two nights and then figure out what to do with the rest of our trip. But once we got here, we loved it so much that we decided to just stay here for the week. We got dinner at a Spanish place that was so amazing that it was easily the best food that we’d had on the trip. Then for dessert we got fancy popsicles.

I think they liked them...

Then we wandered around the colonial part of town before heading back to the apartment. I think we’re going to like this place!


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