A Dead Bird...

This morning there was a dead bird in the street in front of the school. I showed it to Gabe, thinking that he’d like to see it. He instantly asked if he could keep it. Um, no. Then he wanted to know when he could keep a live bird that he caught and he was devastated when I told him no on that one too. (He’s clearly not remembered our crazy hunter cat. That bird wouldn’t last an hour...)

Anyway, when we walked into school he was so sad that we told the director of the school and she asked him if he wanted to pick it up and show it to the other kids. So they got their gloves and picked up this bird.

They then took it into the preschool classroom and when I went in to say goodbye every kid is the class had a glove on and was waiting for their turn to hold the bird.

He then asked if I could put a glove on his arm so he could put the bird on his arm. He may be taking this pirate thing a little too far. Once again, I told him no.

After I parked my car, I walked past school on my way to my office and the kids were all outside putting the bird back outside. Another kid and his dad had just showed up and they all started yelling at the kid that he needed to come look at their bird. I’m sure the dad was pretty confused.

It was a very dramatic start to our day...


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