
Gabe has never had any issues with words. Josy, on the other hand, definitely does. I found a video on fb from when Gabe was about Josy’s age and he was singing “No no monkeys jumping bed!” Josy is definitely not there, but he is making progress. He now says Daddy consistently. And the other day he started saying doggie rather than aarf. We’re getting a consistent noise for uh-oh, even though that’s not what it sounds like. And he very good at hat, boots, ae-pane (airplane) and wow.  He’ll get there. But it’s a good reminder that no two kids are the same.

The big one, though, is a constant source of entertainment. The things that come out of his mouth...

After singing the same song over and over and over again, I told Gabe he could sing it one more time and then be done.
G: Actually, I want to sing it more times, but I’ll save those for tomorrow after breakfast.

I picked up take out and when I got back in the car Gabe said “Whenever you’re gone and it’s just me and Josy in the car, I sing Josy a special song. It’s about you and how you’re coming back.”

G: dad, can we take the bird feeder to Nicaragua and put crackers in it so we can see parrots?

G: I run fast. As fast as a red-eyed cheetah.
M: A red-eyed cheetah? Not a dead-eyed cheetah?
G: A red-eyed cheetah is a dead-eyed cheetah’s grandpa.

Gabe just thought Josy said Moses, so he proceeded to tell him that Moses was a God follower and then told him the entire story of the Prince of Egypt including “he killed a man, so he had to run away. And his brother kept asking him what was wrong, but he wouldn’t tell him.” and “it was a Spirit fire. And he put his staff in it and it didn’t catch on fire. And he put his hand in it and it didn’t hurt.”  It’s been like two years since he watched that movie..

G: Mom, let’s practice getting married.
He gives me a ring that he got from daycare.
G: Will you marry me?
I tell him sure and give him a smooch. He looks all bashful and so cute that I’ve now been wearing a new ring for a couple of weeks...

And Josy managed to pop two more teeth. Seriously, this kid is the weirdest teether I’ve ever heard of. His first two teeth were his top two teeth, but not his front teeth, the ones next to them. Then he popped his bottom two front ones. So he had four teeth, none of them opposable. Eventually he got his top front teeth, so at least he could eat regular food. Then he got his top two molars. So he had six teeth on top, two on bottom. Next he got his bottom molars, and he’s been stuck that way for several months. Well, this week he pooped one of his bottom four and one of his top canines. Seriously. This kid’s mouth is very confused.


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