Hawaii Day 6: The Waterpark

I’ve been waking up super early, before everyone else. Sometimes I lay in bed until the boys are up, sometimes I get up and hang out on the balcony. This morning I was reading when Gabe got up, so we decided to eat breakfast on the lanai, where Gabe proclaimed it was “a lovely day!”

Then he and I decided to go to the beach while Daddy and Josy slept. Then they both went up while we were heading out the door, but since they still needed breakfast, they missed out.

And they definitely missed it. It was the perfect temperature and I felt like I missed out by not putting my swim suit on so that I could actually play in the water with Gabe.

After an hour, we headed back and collected the other two and headed to the waterpark by Nathan and Cassie’s house. We spent most of the day there, but I took no pictures because my phone was in the locker so that I could play hands free. Josy was pretty apprehensive at first and was attached to my hip for a very long time, but eventually he warmed up a bit. Once Nathan and Cassie showed up, we hung out in the water pool for awhile and that made Josy much more comfortable.

Eventually we got lunch and then Nathan took both of our boys in the kids area so that Pat and I could do some actual slides. Waterparks will definitely be more fun when the boys are a little bigger, but having Nathan and Cassie around helped a lot. Then Pat watched the two little ones so that Nathan and Cassie could go on a ride or two. 

Once the park closed, we headed back to Nathan and Cassie’s house so the boys could all nap. Unfortunately, Josy fell asleep for the last 5 minutes of the ride and decided that was enough napping for him, so that was the end of that. Sweet. But while he and Gabe tried to sleep, Pat and I got to facetime with Bella for awhile.

Eventually, we gave up on napping and I ended up with all three boys, so naturally we took some fun pictures.

Gabe actually let Jeremiah play with Perry. That should tell you how much he loves his little cousin!!

We lasted until dinner time when Josy decided that he was done with life and it was time to head home and put him to bed. So that’s what we did.


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