A Very Long Day...

Today was a very long day... We left for vacation today. And because life is super fun sometimes, nothing went according to plan. 

Pat and I stayed up super late last night packing. By the time we finally crawled into bed, it was 11:30. I never sleep good the night before an early flight, so I tossed and turned a lot. I got a text message at some point, but I ignored it because I didn’t want to know what time it was so I could be irritated that I was still awake. When the alarm went off at 2:45 for our 5:30 flight, we discovered that text message was the airlines saying that our flight was canceled. We were revoked on the 7:20 flight (Which meant two more hours of sleep!) but also two extra stops, an extra layover and arrived 6 hours later than planned. Lovely.

So we went back to sleep. Once again, I slept terribly, so I’m not convinced it was worth it. Anyway, we finally got on the plane and we weren’t sitting together, so that was fun. But we did eventually make it to Seattle.

As soon as we landed, we realized that we had a covid test problem. We needed Covid test 72 hours before our last flight left, and our Friday covid test was suddenly 72.5 hours before the flight left, although only 71.5 hours if we take timezones into consideration. Needless to say, I was suddenly rather stressed about whether or not we needed new Covid tests during our three hour layover and was panic-texting Pat from seven rows back as we landed in Seattle. I was on the phone with the state Covid department when we found an airline rep who assured us that we were fine, at which point I could start breathing again.

From there we flew to Portland, where both boys decided to fall asleep, just as we started our descent. I was really hoping that they could wait until the long flight, but no. They decided to sleep then, where a 15 minute catnap was enough to tide them over so they didn’t want to sleep in the next flight hardly at all...

The fight to Portland...

The flight from Portland...

It was a 5.5 hour flight and Gabe slept the last hour and Josy the last 45 minutes, though they both fought it for about 4 hours. It was a long flight...

But we made it. And we got to see Uncle Nathan!!


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