Spring Break

Last week was Spring Break, so Bella came home for the week. It was a pretty quiet week. Pat took the two big ones skiing one day. Bella’s friend (who is basically our extra daughter at this point) spent a lot of time at our house and Bella spent a lot of time at hers. Bella ended up hanging out with the boys at daycare, which all three of them thought was wonderful. (Seriously, one day Josy didn’t even say goodbye. He was holding Bella’s hand and marched into his classroom without even looking over his shoulder. Thanks kid...)

It was nice. It was good to be a regular family for a bit.

I don’t have piles of pictures, but I have a few...

We got Bella a guitar for her birthday but we didn’t want to mail it to her, so she had to wait until now. She was super excited and definitely not expecting it.

Lucy decided to help with the dishes...

The boys loved having an extra person around to read to them.

Bella was not excited when I pulled out the camera...

Josy insisted on bringing Gabe’s backpack in the car.

Gabe was super excited to be taller than the tree. I mean, it’s more of a bush, but whatever...

He was definitely taller than me though...

Family trip to froyo! It was Josy’s first trip to froyo where he actually got to eat some. I think his face says it all... Also, one of his friends from school was there with his parents. Both of them were very confused to see each other outside of school...

Sometimes you just need Daddy snuggles

We cleaned out all of Bella’s old clothes. Josy found these and insisted on wearing them. He was very proud of himself.

And then on Sunday Bella went back. And we’ll probably see her again in June.


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